Dr. Runwal's philosophy of SBOP Living goes far beyond mere financial planning for life after 55 or 60 years of age. It embodies a complete shift in perspective on what it means to live fully, to embrace purpose, and to serve others in a meaningful way.
SBOP – Systematic Blow Out Plan by Dr. Sanjay Runwal focuses on the principles of: Retire, Rewire and Refire. It offers actionable insights on preparing for the future, enriching personal growth, and making a positive impact in life. A blueprint for purposeful living.
As you open this book, you will not be reading it but will be speaking to yourself!
The thought of living a fulfilling and enriched life after the age of 55/60 has surely occurred to all of us. It is possible that some of us are already practicing a few things that have been suggested and have not been able to clearly act on some others.
Dr. Sanjay Runwal has given ample food for thought for life at this stage and has laid out a clear road map too. He explains the challenges one can expect and ways to overcome them. So much so that you are very likely to tell yourself, "Yes, I need to sort out a few things and I will do so now, so that I can look forward to an enriched life ahead".
It is obvious that these thoughts have been on the mind of the author for over 10 years, and he has astutely chalked out a path for himself and to share it with the world at large. He gives many daily life examples and some hard-hitting scenarios to drive home the message. e.g. "Do not leave a mess for your next generation to clean up for you. Leave a clean and tidy legacy behind so that the next generation admires you and your way of working...." Further, he has co-related some of his thoughts with our time-tested scriptures too. This makes it very convincing and acceptable.
This book is a must-read, if you want to live the later years of your life without any regrets. Kudos to the author for illuminating the path.
While this is a book for the later part of life, I am reminded of another book I read a few years ago. "The Ultimate Gift" by Jim Stovall. "The Ultimate Gift" prepares you for life as you enter the work phase and Dr. Sanjay Runwal's "SBOP Living" helps you plan the later years well. Together, these two books cover all aspects of life extremely well.
In SBOP Living, Dr. Sanjay Runwal offers an inspiring roadmap to a meaningful life post-55/60. Rooted in personal experience, the SBOP concept balances financial security with a deeper philosophy for living well. Discover how to live purposefully, invest in your future, and contribute positively to society during the golden phase of life.
This book is an exemplary guide to living a purposeful and fulfilling life. The SBOP Living philosophy developed by Dr. Sanjay Runwal, out of his personal experience, makes it more practicable for everyone, including young people in their twenties. Its association with Indian philosophy enhances its ideological value and it gains universal appeal because it covers the philosophy of practical living.
It was indeed a pleasure and a delight to read and review the book titled – “SBOP Living for life After 55/60, by Sanjay Runwal. I must complement Sanjay for an excellent job in presenting a very complex subject of life after retirement in a very simple language, well thought-out, structured presentation. The subject, “Life after retirement” is considered to be highly abstract and subjective and difficult to generalize and organize. The book is easy to read and comprehend.
In the current environment, there are very few books that could claim to be a comprehensive guide to senior citizens to prepare for a retirement. As a result, most people enter into retirement life unprepared. Many suffer shock and undergo a difficult period to tackle challenges that engulf their life. Sanjay explains that if one prepares well for the post 55/60 life, it could turn out to be highly rewarding “senior living” for the individual as well as the family.
I strongly feel that the book could be an excellent foundation for a two-day workshop on preparation for life after 55/60. The book not only forms the basis of the workshop but could also form a reference guide to navigate key decisions and complex situations. Although the contents are the same, the take-aways for each participant would be different based on their situations and conditions.
What makes this book very special and convincing is that Sanjay takes his own experiences as examples. This makes it very convincing and impactful. At times I feel that this book is a combination of guide for senior living as well as an autobiography of Dr. Sanjay Runwal. It clearly describes the transformation of Sanjay from a regular human to a wise man, full of wisdom. It is a path for a pleasant and rewarding future.
Book states that the transition from a regular life to a retirement ready life is quite dramatic and one must take time out to properly prepare for it for best results. Although the transition could involve certain spiritual practices, the author has cleverly stayed away from any religious or spiritual practices or advice. The book appears to be simple to understand and it will take some time to implement it. Repeated reference to the book will be required for the best results. I assure you that each reader who implements this book in their senior life will be wiser with superior wisdom to face life and its challenges. I strongly recommend reading this book to all senior citizens as well as people nearing 55/60 age, for a better tomorrow.